I've been observing lately. I've been observing my friends, those that I used to know: new and old alike, my relatives and people that I don't know around me.
I realized that people change over time.
Some grow and mature and become better person, while some took a turn to the darkside.
The question is, do they or should I say, do we change for the better?
I know it sounds corny. But it is serious. Serious to those who choose to think.
It seems nowadays that most of us have forgotten our religious roots, what a pity.
How do you expect someone from a different faith to respect you, if you yourself don't respect your faith and religion.
Ahh well..
Ramadhan is just a couple of days left.
Hopefully all of our good deeds and puasa are accepted by Him. And may He prolong our life to the next Ramadhan.