Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A New Beginning

To all those who've been wondering why there hasn't been any update for quite a long time:

1) I was busy with my final year project. Have finally submitted my project today at around 4.15pm, and that marks the end of my student life.

2) I've been busy seeking employment from various companies, TNB, Perodua, MMHE, Sime Darby, Titan Chemicals, Bumi Armada, bla, bla.. you name it. But just last week, I was offered a job at Flowserve. Alhamdulillah.


Insyaallah, if God wills it, I'll be moving to Kemaman, Terengganu to start work in the oil and gas industry this 15th December.


Anonymous said...


keje wajen2.
dpt naik pgat cpt2.
bley banje makan kat 5* hotel =p

N.H. Tay said...

thanks kak julia.
insyaallah ada umur dan rezeki blh belanja. :D